Max Teschemacher's Work

Max Teschemacher (1910-1950) was a German painter, illustrator, and postcard designer. He is best known for a series of illustrated picture books with fairy tales written by the Grimm Brothers. Unfortunately, we don't know almost anything about his life, just the years of birth and death. This page is an attempt to present some of his work and maybe attract enough attention to get a visit from somebody who has more info about this artist.

As every artist he made some paintings like this one:

We know he illustrated several books for kids.

He worked on texbooks as well.

And we have found a few of his picture postcards too. Yet we still can't say much about Max Teschemacher.

The other reason for opening this page is a rare opportunity to present some of the lesser-known fairy tales by Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm. We can find over two hundred fairy tales, fables, cautionary tales, and similar short narrative pieces in their famous collection but most people are familiar with about a dozen or so. This is where Max Teschemacher's work will be of precious help. He illustrated some of these almost forgotten stories which will be presented here with ten or more pictures in full color!

Children's and Household Tales by the Brothers Grimm is the title of a series of magazines that were published by Alfo Kunstdruck Verlag in the 1940s. The first issue appeared in the early 1940s. The series was later continued by the publishing house Klinke & Co.

Some of the booklets were also published by the German School Publishers Berlin from 1942 onwards, but in a different order and with slightly changed covers.

The series was edited by Dr. Jacob Szliska. Max Teschemacher, who also illustrated many of the individual issues, created the framework for the cover design.

Other artists who illustrated some of the editions of the series were Lothar Högel, Willy Mulot, and Fritz Ludwig Schmidt. We will not use their work here.

I hope you will enjoy the presentation.

This is the list of picture books illustrated by Max Teschemacher in the series:


Golden Bird 

Iron John 

King of the Golden Mountain 

Little Brother and Little Sister

Maid Maleen

Sleeping Beauty

Three Little Men in the Woods

To learn more about the project, kindly visit my main website, dedicated to the most famous fairy tale collection in the world: Children's and Household Fairy Tales. 

Have a great day!

This website is a part of much larger project, called Vintage Artists's Project.


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